furious_tv is a set of tools to take XMLTV TV listings and enable a UNIX system to automatically record programs off of a TV card. It is written in C and uses a SAX parser for maximum speed and efficiency.
Releases: ftv_web2 Version 0.5 Released
Last Modified: 2005-01-03T00:34Z
It's been a long time since the last update, but with the new year comes a new release! Rob ter Veer, a furious_tv user, has written an alternative web-based from end for furious_tv that I've cleverly dubbed ftv_web2. This is the first public release of his project, so there may be a few bugs, but he has been using it to manage his furious_tv setup successfully for a couple of weeks. ftv_web2 is written in shell script and does not require anything beyond a normal furious_tv installation except for a CGI-capable web server (such as mini_httpd). Please note that an install script (install.sh) must be run in order to setup ftv_web2.
The main benefit of ftv_web2 is that it's simply a better piece of software than my hacked-together web front-end. The code is nice and clean and the layout of the front-end itself is compact (see the screenshot). ftv_web2 also boasts more features than the original front-end, including support for recurring recording of your favorite shows.
Once again, thanks to Rob ter Veer for his excellent work on the first piece of third-party furious_tv software!