furious_tv is a set of tools to take XMLTV TV listings and enable a UNIX system to automatically record programs off of a TV card. It is written in C and uses a SAX parser for maximum speed and efficiency.
Development: ftv_gnome After 1.0
Last Modified: 2003-09-05T07:56Z
If you're curious as to my motivation for writing ftv_gnome, or you want to know what tools I took advantage of, I suggest you read the ftv_gnome 1.0 Post-Mortem I just wrote up. It also has a bit of information on the future of ftv_gnome, which I'll duplicate here.
Basically, I'm quite happy with ftv_gnome at the moment. There are only two real improvements that I think would be helpful and would be fairly simple to implement.
- Favorites/autorecording. Allows the user to select shows that will be automatically flagged for recording. Additionally, conflicts will be resolved automatically using priorities given by the favorites list.
- Internationalization (i18n) support. At the moment, I don't really know a lot about how to implement this, but I think it is The Right Thing To Do.
If you have other ideas, please feel free to file feature requests and/or bug reports.