furious_tv is a set of tools to take XMLTV TV listings and enable a UNIX system to automatically record programs off of a TV card. It is written in C and uses a SAX parser for maximum speed and efficiency.
Releases: ftv_gnome Version 1.2pre1 Released
Last Modified: 2003-09-16T23:20Z
Although XMLTV has served me well for over a year, there were a few slight service interruptions when the TV listings supplier changed their page format and when they began emitting bogus 500 errors. In case this happens again, ftv_gnome has a graphical interface for manually adding/editing program and channel data in the furious_tv database.
Adding data manually was possible before, but it required SQL knowledge and an understanding of how furious_tv works. Now anyone can add channel and program data through a nice GUI interface when XMLTV listings are unavailable.
I guess I could say that this version frees ftv_gnome and furious_tv from their dependence on XMLTV, but using XMLTV listings (probably obtained by one of the various XMLTV grabbers) is still highly recommended. Manual editing should only be used as a fallback.
This release hasn't received quite as much testing as previous releases, consequently this is a pre-release development snapshot. If you don't need to add/edit data manually, there's no compelling reason to upgrade.