furious_tv is a set of tools to take XMLTV TV listings and enable a UNIX system to automatically record programs off of a TV card. It is written in C and uses a SAX parser for maximum speed and efficiency.
Releases: ftv_web Version 1.0 Released
Last Modified: 2003-08-25T21:38Z
ftv_web is a simple CGI/web-based front end for furious_tv. It is written in Bourne shell script and was tested under GNU BASH. Just unpack that tarball into a directory where you can access/run CGI programs and you should be able to run it (assuming you have furious_tv v1.1 or later installed).
ftv_web was created as a quick 'n' dirty way to monitor a furious_tv installation for shows coming up. It's not full-featured although I've found it to be completely useable.
ftv_web can detect program conflicts and can be set to automatically update a Shuriken uptab file (using ftv_uptab(1)). ftv_web can also display all movies that are scheduled to play. I've found this feature to be incredibly useful when browsing for movies I've been meaning to watch but I never got around to renting.
A faster and more powerful GTK interface is still planned, but ftv_web should allow users to take advantage of furious_tv in the meantime.